Moderation in everything. Especially moderation.

Circle Head (low).jpg

👋 Hey there!

My name is Matt and I wanted to share a little bit about myself in hopes of getting to know you. I’ve never been good at filling out the random questions about myself in dating apps, so the prospect of writing a whole date me doc about myself has proved to be quite daunting. For now, I’ve settled with lots of lists and short descriptions of things about me that seem like they might be relevant. But I have no idea if that’s the right approach? My goal here is just to spark interest — we can spend the rest of our lives getting to know each other.

📊 Some Basic Statistics

♋️ The Zodiac

The Enneagram is just astrology for people with graduate degrees. —Twitter

I don’t take any of these too seriously.

Astrological Sign: I have no idea.

Enneagram: 2 (the helper)

Meyers Briggs: ENTJ (commander)

Attachment Style: Secure

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, I think?

Love Languages: This is the one I take most seriously.

🗓 Hobbies and a Typical Day